Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 2 maintain gait - OL results

Maintain gait 45' line
Day 2 plan for maintain gait based on mastery lesson was interesting. I went to the 45' line and she went to the end of it right away on the circle. I began my day with driving her v/s leading her and moving her til she wanted to stand still while grooming her. She's in heat and has lots more energy than her usual lbi self. I used to think I was seeing rb tendencies during her cycle but her horsenality report suggested she is on the cusp of LBE and can switch very quickly so...
Today showed those tendencies. She changed direction alot (towards hone) and I realized she knew I wanted her to maintain gait but was testing me by trying to come in, stopping to see what I would do, getting punky...
In the end, she was still giving an "egg" but softened her expression and was trotting much closer to me instead of at the end of the rope. Lots of slack and ear on me, so I ended the session. Didn't get to day 2 Relaxation but will tomorrow:-) I LOVE this journey! Thank u Pat and Linda for sharing your passion for horses and working so hard to create a program we can study from home. I am much changed for the better;-)

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