Thursday, May 5, 2011

Life is Perfect - not usually easy:-)

Do you recognize times in your life where big growth is coming? Like it or not, it's coming. Well, I'm there again and this time I recognize it. In the past I've had real difficulty with these periods, because I couldn't see what was happening...couldn't find the gift and the opportunity. Over the years I've taken baby steps and learned little by little to look for the gift and the opportunity. Well, this time I'm fully aware it is here. It is no less challenging for me emotionally, but I am committed to staying with it and asking for the growth so I can head in that direction. One interesting aspect of this "brick upside the head" experience is that my horse has major pain, it turns out from an old injury. For the last couple weeks I've been struggling with a kidney issue and my pain is almost exactly mirrored in her body...her pain. Whoa! Talk about marinating on it; I'm fully steeping in this one to get the lesson:) I'm being forced to slow down and let my body heal...I don't slow down easily. Why am I kicking and screaming on this one? It's clear my body needs rest...turns out my mind needs to slow down for my body to. Sound familiar? Extroverts need to move their feet to think...hmmm. Without being able to move physically, I'm driving myself crazy mentally. I have taken a close look at my current mantras..."self worth" and "surrender" and realized I'm not honoring either. Today, I'm committing to both again. I'll be taking Jesse to soak in the ocean and looking for some healing for both of us. I've realized she is physically unable to advance in some areas I've been pushing her in; all for my personal advancement in the Parelli Levels. But, life is perfect and I have another partner that is strong as an ox and super willing. Okay Universe, I'm listening. Bring it on:)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Licking and Chewing on what partnership can REALLY be

I have been spending time with a second horse and really decided to commit to him as if he were my own. I have spent hours working on the relationship and trying to show him how much I care. He is in a herd of around 15 horses in a large pasture and now comes to me when I call. Lately, he's been cantering to me. Oh, what a feeling! I love beginning or ending my day by seeing him. He's so curious and interested and seems to really want to be with me. This is addictive! It has got me thinking about my relationship with my horse, which has come a very long way. I have begun to see the major difference in what a relationship can be when there is no pushing, making, or frustration coming from the human. I am sad to say I spend the first few years with my horse frustrated much of the time and tried quite a few different trainers and techniques that did not put the relationship first. I try to find the gift in every experience and hitting rock bottom with my girl got me to commit to the Parelli Program. We wouldn't have come to where we are today without that! We have a great connection now, but by seeing through another horse's eyes, I see more of what is possible and am determined to do what it takes to get her looking at me with that same inquisitiveness, and have a new goal of her cantering to me every time she sees me. My eyes are opening to that delicate balance between strong leader and pushover, and I am so thrilled and excited to continue this journey with these amazing partners who have only just begun to show me the way...