Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Ebb and Flow of it

I have been thinking of many topics for blogs lately and am just now getting time to sit down and write. They've gone from moments where I realize how important it is to take the time it takes, to being inspired by other students of Parelli natural horsemanship and making changes with my horse, to really learning about how helpful second hand gold can be. I've also had some not so great days with my horse, where I couldn't seem to get it together and be progressive, or have the right timing, etc. Then, there's life happening during all this:-) I find myself constantly thinking, planning, working things out in my head. I sometimes just stop and move the things out of my brain that aren't truly imperative to my happiness or survival. What I'm settling in with, finally, is the ebb and flow of it all. Truly being in the moment means realizing that there will always be ups and downs and moments of being unsure as well as moments of being on top of the world where everything seems to fall perfectly in place. I have a habit of wanting to resolve things NOW and see the results NOW. I'm really learning to allow for the natural flow of things to unfold and step into the discomfort. Deep breath on that one:-) If I can get this ... REALLY get this, I can truly enjoy every moment in life and know it is unfolding exactly as it is supposed to.

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